Computer & Internet Security
We will be discussing some computer & internet related security issues here in few days time. Do drop by if you are interested.
Geeks are welcome to share their knowledge as we move along.
The main priority is to equip everyone with sufficient knowledge in pertaining to computer/internet security. I will post guidelines in series of small postings according to their relevance with immediate adoption by readers in mind. Some tools and utility softwares that I find useful will be introduced.
Major areas to be covered are as followings (not in any particular order).
Computer security
Topics from securing computer to maintaining security will be discussed.
Files security
Files are foremost important when working with computers. Protecting confidential files will be one of the key highlights.
Removing traces of unwanted information permanently
4 shouts:
Methinks under "Privacy", the matter of ensuring your right to Privacy over thr Net should not be missed out. PGP, Certificate and email encrytion usage, iow. The public key encryption is useful if correspondence is between individuals. Many ways available.
Yup, you are right. Those are important.
If, Nat, who was harassed and intimidated on suspicion, the best bet for him would probably be to have an innocuous website hosted somewhere with some illustrations and use steganography to conceal any real secrets. In plain view, of the cyberworld, yet the secret is unknown.
You can WIPE or ERASE the empty space on the HDD including the internet temporary files between session to play safe.
Under the Multimedia Laws of M'sia if one is under investigation by the police, he is supposed to provide the pw for all his encrypted stuffs. You don't need to hold encrypted documents on board though, obviously.
Ppl like Nat needs only to mentally remembers the pw to his steg-ed graphics available to the whole web. Nobody needs to know who actually owes that site and no way can he be accused of withholding any pw from any encrypted stuffs on is PC from the law.
Then there is the old Yahoo Briefcase and lots of online storage - even free ones. Just ensure you do not have any lingering evidence on the HDD that's all. Wipe the empty space and temporary Internet files.
~wits0~, thanks for the pointers
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